6.5' Wind Generator

A colorful adaptation of the large power generators as seen in Europe and on windy plains in America, our version won't generate electricity but will energize your friends when they see them. A unique governor arrangement keeps them gracefully turning at a constant yet mesmerizing rpm. Great for marking tailgate parties or the prime spot on the beach, you will appreciate the portability of the Wind Generator and its compact carrying case. The impressive sizes of these sleek products will guarantee they are a big hit.
Wind Generator List

Your Price $180.00

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Location & Hours

Jon and Marieanne Trennepohl
Kites and Fun Things
40522 E. Ann Arbor Trail
Plymouth, MI 48170
Fax: 734-454-0345


Business hours:
MONDAY 10am -2pm,
TUES - THUR 10am - 6pm
FRIDAY & SATURDAY 10am - 4pm, EST.

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